'/> Interior Decorating: Designing A Relaxing Bathroom With Bathtub Refinishing In San Jose, Ca - Cesar Chien

Interior Decorating: Designing A Relaxing Bathroom With Bathtub Refinishing In San Jose, Ca

Bay Area Bathtub Refinishing Company 34 Photos & 52 Reviews
Bay Area Bathtub Refinishing Company 34 Photos & 52 Reviews from www.yelp.com

The Theme and Design Approach

For this bathroom design, we will aim for a relaxed and spa-like atmosphere. We want to create a space that is calming and rejuvenating, perfect for unwinding and relieving stress. To achieve this, we will use natural colors and textures, such as wood and stone, and incorporate plants and candles to add to the organic feel of the space.

Relaxing bathroom design

Color Scheme

The color scheme for this bathroom will be centered around earthy tones, such as beige, gray, and green. These colors help to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. We will also incorporate pops of color with accessories such as towels and rugs, using shades of blue to complement the natural tones of the room.

Beige bathroom color scheme

Furniture Placement

In terms of furniture, we will keep it simple and minimalistic, with a focus on functionality. The main feature of the room will be the bathtub, which will be placed in the center of the room, as the focal point. We will also incorporate a small vanity, with a sink and storage space, as well as a few shelves or cabinets for towels and toiletries.

Bathroom vanity

Decorative Options

To enhance the aesthetics and comfortability of the space, we will incorporate the following decorative options:


Plants help to add a natural and organic feel to the space, as well as improve air quality. We recommend using plants such as bamboo, spider plants, and aloe vera.

Bathroom plants


Candles help to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, as well as provide a pleasant scent. We recommend using candles with natural scents such as lavender, eucalyptus, and vanilla.

Bathroom candles


Artwork can help to add interest and personality to the space. We recommend using artwork with calming and serene themes, such as landscapes or abstract designs.

Bathroom artwork


By using natural colors and textures, incorporating plants and candles, and keeping furniture minimalistic and functional, we can create a relaxing and spa-like bathroom. Bathtub refinishing in San Jose, CA can also help to improve the overall aesthetics of the space, making it feel brand new. With these design elements in place, your bathroom will become a sanctuary, perfect for unwinding and relieving stress.

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