'/> How To Build An Rc Track In Your Backyard - Cesar Chien

How To Build An Rc Track In Your Backyard

Build Your Own Backyard Rc Track backyard rc track layout Google
Build Your Own Backyard Rc Track backyard rc track layout Google from pertronix-wiring-diagram94.blogspot.com
RC Track in a Backyard


If you're passionate about remote control cars, building an RC track in your backyard is a great way to enjoy your hobby. Not only is it convenient, but you can customize the track to your liking and challenge yourself and your friends. In this article, we'll guide you on how to build an RC track in your backyard.

Step 1: Plan Your Track

Before you start building your track, you need to plan it out. Decide on the layout, size, and features you want your track to have. Make sure you have enough space in your backyard to accommodate your desired track size. You can use a computer program or draw your track design on paper.
RC Track Design

Step 2: Prepare the Ground

Once you have your track design, you need to prepare the ground. Clear the area of any debris or vegetation, and level the ground as much as possible. You can use a shovel, rake, and a level to ensure the ground is even.
Ground Preparation

Step 3: Add Base Material

To prevent the ground from becoming too hard, you need to add a base material. You can use crushed rock, sand, or gravel. Spread the base material evenly over the ground, and use a compactor to compact it.
Base Material

Step 4: Add Surface Material

The surface material is what your RC car will drive on. You can use dirt, clay, or sand. Spread the surface material evenly over the base material, and use a compactor to compact it. Make sure the surface is smooth and level.
Surface Material

Step 5: Install Barriers

To keep your RC car on the track, you need to install barriers. You can use PVC pipes, wooden planks, or hay bales. Make sure the barriers are securely installed and won't move when the car hits them.

Step 6: Add Features

To make your track more interesting, you can add features like jumps, bumps, and turns. Use your track design as a guide and be creative. You can use dirt or sand to build up jumps and bumps, and use PVC pipes or wooden planks to create turns.

Step 7: Test Your Track

Before you start racing on your track, you need to test it out. Drive your RC car on the track and make sure it handles well. Make any necessary adjustments or repairs before inviting others to race.
RC Car on Track


Building an RC track in your backyard is a fun and rewarding project. With a little planning and effort, you can create a track that you and your friends can enjoy for years to come. So get started and happy racing!
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